Matthew: Narrative Work

This week, I took several steps to fulfill my role as not just an audio designer, but also a narrative designer.

  • The game now contains NPCs using the dialogue system I set up last week. These NPCs are set up with narrative details that describe, with elements of dry humor, the state of the farm and of the animals on it. 
  • I improved the dialogue system to be able to support level progression. Certain NPCs can present different dialogue to the player after level events are triggered, such as talking to the NPC at least once or by hitting a certain level trigger.
  • With the rest of the group, we enhanced our vision of the core challenges that the level will present to be more thorough and interesting. On the left side, we decided to have the power box be locked by a passcode which can be obtained from the NPCs. In the barn, we decided to have the box of infinite feathers be purchased from a seller for five coins, which can be obtained by platforming around the barn. On the right side, we decided to have the chicken pen be locked until you fly through a series of rings. These elements will add a better sense of completeness to the environmental design of the stage.

I also completed my role as the music composer by completing the song that was drafted last week. The music was designed to feature the drums as an added layer in a dynamic way. This was incorporated into the game using a simple music trigger script, which starts off by playing the song without drums in the first area and fading in the drums when entering the barn.

Get To Get To The Udder Side

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